August is Black Business Month: 5 Ways to Support Black Businesses Online Without Spending a Penny

Every year, August marks the National Black Business Month—an opportunity to acknowledge and celebrate the significant contributions made by Black-owned businesses to our economy and society. This occasion is also a call to action for individuals, communities, and organizations to strengthen and uplift these businesses, many of which face unique challenges.

While financial support through patronage is undoubtedly crucial, there are various ways you can uplift and back Black-owned businesses without spending money. In this digital age, even actions taken online can make a significant difference. Here are five ways you can show your support.


1. Engage With Social Media Content

A simple yet effective way of supporting Black businesses online is through social media engagement. Whether on Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, or LinkedIn, take the time to follow, like, share, or comment on posts made by Black-owned businesses. This level of engagement can enhance their visibility, help them reach new audiences, and improve their ranking on social media algorithms.

2. Write Positive Reviews

If you've had a positive experience with a Black-owned business—whether a product, service, or customer service—share your experience by writing a review. You can do this on various platforms such as Google, Yelp, Facebook, or the business's website itself. Positive reviews not only instill confidence in prospective customers but can also significantly enhance the business's online reputation.


3. Participate in Online Events

Many Black-owned businesses host webinars, live streams, online workshops, or virtual pop-up shops. Attend these events and participate actively in the conversations. Engaging with the content shared or asking insightful questions can help generate buzz about the business and build a vibrant and supportive community around it.

4. Use Your Online Platforms

If you run a blog, vlog, podcast, or have a social media account with a decent following, consider featuring Black-owned businesses. This can be as simple as a shout-out, a detailed review of a product or service, or even an interview with the business owner. Sharing their stories and acknowledging their work can create greater awareness and recognition for these businesses within your network.


5. Refer and Recommend

One of the most powerful tools for a business's growth is word-of-mouth marketing, and this does not necessarily have to be offline. If you have friends, family, or acquaintances looking for recommendations, suggest Black-owned businesses that you know of or have interacted with. You can do this directly through conversations or post recommendations on social media, community groups, or forums.

While these actions might seem small, collectively they can create a significant impact. Each of these actions helps increase the visibility of Black-owned businesses, allowing them to reach a broader audience and build a stronger reputation. The support shown during Black Business Month can lay a foundation for the continued growth and success of these businesses throughout the year.

Let's remember, supporting Black-owned businesses is not just about equality and social justice. It's about investing in our communities and contributing to a diversified, resilient, and inclusive economy. Every action, no matter how small, matters. As we celebrate Black Business Month this August, let's take the opportunity to show our support and appreciation for Black-owned businesses and the vital role they play in our society.


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