When Your Plus-One Becomes a Minus in Business: Is Your Bae In The Way Of The Bag?

Photo by Ivan Samkov

Hey, girl bosses! Ever felt like your significant other is more of a business blockade than a supportive partner? You're not alone. In the world of power couples and equally yoked partnerships, sometimes the scales tip. Let's spill the tea on this not-so-sweet reality of jealousy and sabotage from our other halves.

Recognize the Signs

First things first: know the red flags. Is your partner dismissing your ideas? Maybe they're undercutting your business decisions or not cheering for your successes. Are they making statements like “your little business” or “ever since you started that business, you’ve been different”? Do they complain about how much time you’re spending bettering yourself, not because you’re ignoring them, but because all the attention isn't on them? Recognizing these signs is step one in tackling the issue.

Communication is Key

Before assuming the worst, and going down the “all my life I had to fight” lane, have a heart-to-heart. Sometimes, these actions stem from their insecurities or misunderstandings. Insecurities can look like they’re not sure where they fit in with your new lifestyle, and misunderstandings can be that starting your business means you take up more space for yourself, and they have to be more independent now that you’re being more productive. Clear, honest conversations can often turn things around.


Set Boundaries

Mixing business with pleasure isn't always a recipe for success. Establish clear boundaries between your work and personal life. This helps keep the professional-professional and the personal-personal. Boundaries can also look like setting a time when you’re going to start working and using the rest of your night to enjoy your partner.

Seek External Support

Lean on your network of fellow women in business. They can offer invaluable advice, having perhaps navigated similar choppy waters. Plus, there's strength in sisterhood!

Professional Counseling

Sometimes, you need to bring in the big guns. Couples or individual counseling can be a game-changer, offering perspectives and solutions you might not have considered.


Reevaluate Your Partnership

If all else fails, it might be time to reassess. Are you truly equally yoked? Is this relationship serving your best interests, both personally and professionally? Tough questions, but necessary.

Empower Yourself

Remember, your business and dreams are valid and important. You have the right to take up space, and spend time on things that further you and bring enjoyment. Don't let anyone dim your sparkle, not even your significant other. Stay empowered, stay strong.

Navigating a relationship where your partner becomes a business hurdle is tricky, but not impossible. With the right steps and a strong sense of self, you can overcome these challenges. Keep slaying, queens, in business and in love!


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