The Power of Self-Care and Self Awareness: A Woman's Journey towards Health and Healing 

In an era where African American women's health and wellness are often overlooked, the emphasis on self-care gains heightened significance, especially during National Self-Awareness Month. Renika Smiley, the dynamic founder of the nonprofit organization Generation NOW and CEO of Lusheous Collections Plus Size Boutique, has grasped this crucial concept through her personal journey of self-exploration and personal growth.

Renika, herself a plus-size woman, ardently champions the notions of looking good and maintaining health. A recent weigh-in that showed less-than-expected weight loss and some gained inches led to a deep, enlightening discussion with her fitness coach.

Raised by a mother who was a dietician and health aficionado, Renika was always taught about the value of balanced nutrition and consistent physical activity. However, despite these healthy habits, her mother tragically succumbed to pancreatic cancer, highlighting the unique health risks faced by many African American families, including higher rates of diseases such as diabetes and cancer.

In many cases, pancreatic cancer symptoms don't surface until the disease has progressed to Stage 4. Renika's mother, a small-built woman with type 2 diabetes, was initially treated for diabetes when she started displaying symptoms of pancreatic cancer. Even after undergoing a colonoscopy four months before her passing, the focus remained on her colon, leading to a missed diagnosis of her pancreatic cancer.


These harrowing experiences have deeply ingrained in Renika the pivotal role of self-care, specifically for African American women. Self-care extends beyond mere indulgence and luxury – it involves prioritizing health, proactively managing and preventing diseases, and attuning to the body's signals.

Within a community where diabetes and cancer are prevalent and frequently inherited, maintaining health vigilance is paramount. This vigilance includes regular medical check-ups, balanced nutrition, consistent physical activity, and mental health management.

As a fashion industry entrepreneur, Renika consistently advocates for positive body images and empowers women to embrace their beauty, irrespective of their size. Nevertheless, she also underlines the essence of healthy living. Through her experiences as a plus-size woman, she has come to understand that appearance and health are not diametrically opposed.

Renika's mother's legacy continues to motivate her to foster a culture of health and wellness within the African American community. Her mother's life and fight against pancreatic cancer have reinforced the imperative of self-advocacy in health matters.

By openly sharing her personal narrative, Renika Smiley aspires to inspire fellow African American women to prioritize their health and wellness through self-care. As she succinctly puts it, "Our health is our wealth, and it's high time we treat it as such."

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