The Art of Making New Friends as a Grown-Up 

When we're young, making friends is as easy as sharing a box of crayons. But as we get older, socializing takes on a whole new form that can leave some of us feeling out of touch. For all my grown and fabulous women of color out there, this piece is for you. Let's dive into the world of adult friendships.

Branch Out In Your Interests

Whether you're a lover of literature, a cooking maven, or a fitness aficionado, joining local clubs or attending events related to your interests can lead to meaningful connections. Don't shy away from online communities either; digital platforms can be a goldmine for connecting with like-minded souls. 

Reconnect and Reinvent

Rekindle old friendships that may have cooled. Reach out to high school and college buddies or former work colleagues. Don't be afraid to bridge the gap – they might be looking for a friend just like you.


Network with Purpose

Networking isn't just for the corporate world. Make a habit of attending local community events. A casual chat at a neighborhood block party or a charity run can turn into a deep conversation over coffee later on. Keep an open mind and an open heart.

Bond Over Shared Experiences

As a woman of color, the power of shared experiences can't be underestimated. We have stories that resonate with each other in a unique way. Engage in community events that celebrate our diverse cultures and create room for dialogue and connection. 


Extend the Olive Branch

Don't wait to be asked or approached. Go ahead, make the first move! Compliment a stranger, ask about a book they're reading, or strike up a conversation at your local coffee shop. Friendships aren't made by standing on the sidelines. 

Nurture Your Relationships

Like any good relationship, friendship needs care and attention. Prioritize your connections, make time for catch-ups, check in on each other, and never underestimate the power of a heartfelt 'How are you?' 

Remember, friendship isn't a race, it's a journey. Take your time, stay authentic, and above all, embrace the process. As we navigate the challenges and joys of adulthood together, remember that your tribe is out there waiting for you. Go forth, connect, and let your fabulous friendship light shine.


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