Meet "Of Other Worlds": The Skincare Brand Redefining Beauty

In the vast universe of beauty, a star is shining brighter than ever—say hello to "Of Other Worlds." This isn't just another skincare brand; it's a revolution led by Simedar Jackson, a licensed aesthetician and ex-beauty editor who saw a gap in the market for effective yet approachable skincare.

Simedar Jackson noticed something crucial in her work with clients: there was a massive demand for high-performance skincare, but the clinical world felt too rigid and intimidating. Enter Of Other Worlds, a brand designed to disrupt the norms with sophisticated, yet user-friendly formulas that invite everyone to explore their skin's potential.

The mission of Of Other Worlds is simple but powerful: empower you to explore and discover within the clinical skincare space through credible, fact-based education. The vision? To provide versatile, effective skincare solutions that address beauty pain points without alienating newbies.

Of Other Worlds is all about breaking down barriers. Founded by Simedar Jackson, the brand champions exploration with sophisticated formulas that are easy to understand and use. Jackson’s experience and passion have created a brand where beauty is ungoverned, allowing you to be a skin minimalist today and an enhancement enthusiast tomorrow.


What sets Of Other Worlds apart is its commitment to its community. Guided by customer feedback and transparency, the brand ensures that its community members are its biggest stakeholders. This has led to impressive achievements, like over $6.7 million in earned media value from 2022-23 and partnerships with industry giants like Sephora and Glossier.

The brand's customers are primarily Gen Z and Millennials who are engaged with skincare but not yet deep into it. They value skin understanding, conscious formulations, and an authentic voice. These multicultural, gender-inclusive beauty enthusiasts are all about unapologetic individuality and experimentation.

A standout product from Of Other Worlds is the Light Beams Barrier Treatment. This lightweight, oil-free jelly serum is designed for brightening, smoothing, and maintaining the skin’s moisture barrier. It’s perfect for a range of skin types and concerns, making it a must-have in any skincare routine

Light Beams has received glowing reviews. Users report noticeable improvements in hydration, brightness, and texture within a week. Whether it’s managing hormonal acne or maintaining a healthy skin barrier, Light Beams is quickly becoming a skincare staple.

With two new products launching in 2025, Of Other Worlds is just getting started. The brand’s innovative approach and strong community support ensure it will continue to lead in inclusive, effective skincare.

Of Other Worlds isn’t just changing the skincare game; it’s inviting you to be part of a beauty movement. Whether you're a newbie or a skincare pro, this brand is all about giving you the tools and confidence to explore and elevate your beauty journey.

So, are you ready to discover your best skin yet? Dive into the world of Of Other Worlds and let your skin shine brighter than ever!


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