Keeping Zora Neale Hurston’s Legacy Ablaze: The Story of Rae Chesny

Rae Chesny is not merely a scholar; she is a guardian of the literary flame of Zora Neale Hurston. As a dedicated Hurston Scholar, an accomplished interdisciplinary writer, and a trusted Literary Consultant at Johns Hopkins University, Chesny's life work is a tribute to the Harlem Renaissance icon. Her mission spans the gamut from scholarly research to empowering the next generation of storytellers through her original Junior Storyteller Program, aimed at amplifying the voices of historically underrepresented children.

Chesny's odyssey into Hurston's world began at a Black History Series event at Michigan State University. What started as an academic presentation on Langston Hughes evolved into an impassioned journey with Hurston as her guide. Disturbed by the historical sidelining of female literary figures, Chesny made it her mission to raise Zora's profile.

This mission became a deeply personal pilgrimage. Feeling as though Hurston herself was calling her to action, Chesny embarked on a quest for knowledge that would take her across the country. She immersed herself in Hurston's letters, discovering uncanny parallels between their lives. This revelation inspired Chesny to start a written correspondence with Hurston, a heartfelt exchange across the decades.


Through her travels, studies, and the very personal letters to Zora, Chesny has not only kept Hurston's legacy alive but has also intertwined her own story with that of her literary hero. Her dedication ensures that the voice of Zora Neale Hurston continues to resonate and inspire, proving that the power of storytelling is timeless.

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