Embracing Holistic Wellness: An Insightful Conversation with Jasmine Hall El

As summer settles in, many of us are looking to revamp our fitness routines and embrace a healthier lifestyle. Enter Jasmine Hall El, the brilliant mind behind Strong Pure Simple, a luxury health and wellness concierge. With a degree in Exercise Sports Science and Nutrition from UNC Chapel Hill and numerous certifications, Jasmine's holistic approach and deep expertise set her apart in the fitness industry. Her innovative methods and personalized services have earned her a reputation as a leading fitness and nutrition expert.

In an exclusive interview with Benjamin Moody of Urban Magazine, Jasmine shares her invaluable insights on selecting the right personal trainer, navigating the challenges of the fitness industry, and the significance of a tailored approach to wellness.

Ben: With the recent arrival of summer, share with the most important quality a personal trainer should have and why.

Jasmine: During summer, people travel and have lots of different things going on. Your trainer should be adaptable, which for most trainers only comes with lots of experience. For example, I can do virtual one-on-one session, so my clients are able to stay on track while they are on vacation. For those clients who have trouble carving out time for a session, I have their workouts programmed on my SPS Family app, which allows them to pull up their workout.

I also ask my clients to send me a list of the restaurants they plan to eat and the hotel they are staying at. With this information, I create a meal plan and a workout routine they can use without having to constantly guess. The key is to assist your clients in living their best lives during the summer.

Ben: There are so many people claiming to be fitness trainers. How did you set yourself apart from the competition?

Jasmine: Being the owner and operator of a luxury health and wellness concierge is what sets me apart. Anyone with a certification can be a personal trainer. Not only am I certified, but I have a degree from UNC Chapel Hill in Exercise Sports Science and Nutrition. My education sets me apart in addition to my many certifications. However, that isn’t even my biggest flex.


My biggest flex is my holistic approach. We start with 3D Body Scanning, which scans everything visceral fat, subcutaneous fat, muscle mass, and so much more. Then we move on to medical testing in which we test for your gut health. We figure out your specific body's do’s and don’ts nutritionally.

We offer meal delivery, and in-home training, virtual training, anything you need to make sure you have everything. My clients love my customization that is backed by actual science, and the way I consider their lifestyle to optimize their adherence.

Ben: What is the most common mistake people make when looking to hire a trainer?

Jasmine: Hiring the cheapest person. You definitely get what you pay for.

Ben:Are there any specific qualifications our readers should look for?

Jasmine: Look at reviews across platforms: Thumbtack, Google, and Facebook; they should be consistent. They should at minimally be certified by a credible personal trainer program. I personally need someone who has an actual kinesiology or exercise science degree. Other than results, what are you looking to gain and learn? Your trainer should be able to teach you, not just instruct you.

Ben: How do feel about the rise of social media in regard to health and fitness?

Jasmine: Personally, I’m not happy about it. They are getting away without qualifications or understanding the science. Most influencers just sell gimmicks. It makes it difficult to sift through the myths and mess.

Ben:What have been the pros and cons when it comes to your brand?

Jasmine: What I love about my brand is that it demands accountability. We eliminate all barriers. People who are super serious about their journey and really want to make changes. It will definitely happen for you.

The problem with my brand is because of all we do; it mandates financial prioritization. Some people just aren’t in that space in their life. And while we can help people with lower budgets, most people don’t want to supplement their budget with effort.

Ben:You are a recognized expert in fitness and nutrition. What are some of the other services you offer?

Jasmine: We offer 3D Body Scanning, Meal Delivery, Equipment Delivery, Life Coaching, Medical Testing, and Personal Assistant services.

Ben: Why is it so important that you are selective when taking on clients?

Jasmine: We give a lot of attention to our clients, which means we can only take on a few at a time. Our time together must be mutually beneficial. I’ve learned the hard way about trying to help everyone. Everyone may need my help, but not everyone wants it or is ready for it. Working with people who aren’t ready is a waste of both of our time.

Ben: Having built a reputable fitness/nutrition expert brand, what has been the key to your success?

Jasmine: Being myself and being a problem solver. I used to want to be super thin, because I felt that I wouldn’t be accepted by mainstream America being curvy. Ironically, that’s the reason why my clients of all shades hire me. Women, as a whole, don’t want to look super thin anymore. They want to maintain their femininity and be fit.

I could have stayed in my scope of practice, but then this journey wouldn’t have evolved. I do not back away from a challenge. Every obstacle I encounter with a client becomes an opportunity for me to educate myself in another arena. I’m obsessed with their success. We’re literally in this together.

Jasmine Hall El of Strong Pure Simple is a highly acclaimed fitness expert and nutritionist recognized for her tailored approach to helping clients achieve their strength, flexibility, and overall wellness objectives. For more information, visit https://syl-media.com/5-ways-to-jumpstart-your-summer-body-by-jasmine-hall-el-of-strong-pure-simple/


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