Are Your 9-to-5 Friends Blocking Your Entrepreneurial Shine?

Photo Credit: Dellon Thomas

You’ve done it! You’ve taken the leap, ditched the cubicle, and stepped into the thrilling world of entrepreneurship. You’re ecstatic, filled with plans, Pinterest boards, and innovative ideas. But as you share your dreams, you may find not everyone is on board, especially those pals still in the 9-to-5 grind. Are they casting shadows of doubt and peppering you with unsolicited advice? Let’s dive in.

1. Understand Their Perspective

First off, let’s give your 9-to-5 friends some grace. Their apprehension may stem from genuine concern for your well-being or perhaps a simple misunderstanding of the entrepreneurial lifestyle. It’s a different world than the corporate ladder, and not everyone gets it. Yet.


2. Set Boundaries

You’re an entrepreneur now, and that means mastering the art of setting boundaries. When discussing your business, make it clear which topics or advice are welcome and which aren’t. Not in a mean way, but in a “I’ve-got-this-and-I-need-your-support” kind of way.

3. Seek the Right Mentors

Entrepreneurship isn’t a solo journey. Network with like-minded individuals who understand your challenges. Join entrepreneur groups or attend workshops. Let your 9-to-5 friends be there for Friday night margaritas, but lean on your entrepreneurial tribe for business guidance.


4. Trust Your Instincts

You know your business best. While it’s essential to be open to feedback, ensure that it's from sources that truly understand your vision and the nuances of your industry.

5. Share Success Stories

Sometimes, all it takes is to let your success speak for itself. Share those little wins (and the big ones!) with your circle. It’ll not only inspire them but might even quiet down the unsolicited advice.


6. Remember, It’s Your Journey

Comparison is the thief of joy. Everyone has their path, and just because yours is sprinkled with a bit more risk and unpredictability doesn’t make it any less valid or promising.

In the end, surround yourself with positivity, seek advice when you need it, and always trust your gut. Whether you’re dealing with doubters or simply navigating the ever-evolving landscape of entrepreneurship, remember to keep shining, boss babe!


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