Shae Primus: Mastering the Art of Matchmaking in Atlanta

Shae Primus stands out as a premier matchmaker, recognized not just for her celebrity status on Bravo's Love Match Atlanta but for her exceptional track record in the matchmaking industry. As the founder of Upper Echelon Matchmaking, a specialized service catering to Black Single Professionals in Atlanta, Shae has been at the forefront of pairing compatible partners since 2013. With over 500 couples successfully matched, her expertise and dedication to the craft are evident.

With more than a decade of experience, Shae's approach to matchmaking goes beyond surface-level connections. Her secret lies in her acute listening abilities and deep understanding of individual needs and desires. Primus excels in the nuanced art of matchmaking, skillfully weaving together interests, morals, and behavioral traits to create harmonious relationships that stand the test of time.


For those interested in exploring what Upper Echelon Matchmaking has to offer or wish to follow Shae Primus's insights into love and matchmaking, further information can be found through her website and Instagram page.

Connect with Shae on Instagram

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